In which city is the gateway to the Pikes Peak Highway located?
Correct answer: Cascade, Colorado

In 2020 the original Summit house, was still standing while the top of the mountain was under construction. Billions + spent on top of America’s mountain.
The new summit house is amazing.
But beware, do your research in advance. No more can you do as we did in 2020 “oh let’s drive up the peak tomorrow if weather is nice” Get up get in line & go. Oh no! You must make a reservation way in advance and hope for the best that the Peak doesn’t hide in the clouds & get stormy that day. It can snow up there after Memorial Day and a dusting before Labor Day. Yes summer is short in Colorado. But wow it’s beautiful!
It’s 25 mile away, but I can see the mountain from my couch. It’s majestic!