What is the golden rule of morality?
Correct answer: Treat others as you would like others to treat you

Player Say what!?
Glory2J, My family was not church goers, but we knew from common decency and good parental leadership to treat others well. One does not need a Bible to tell you how to behave, but it sure comes in handy to blame the devil when it behooves you!

If only most people could figure out this golden rule, then the world would be a better place to live in. But that's just it! It's becoming worse and worse over time. Because the devil is loose in this world. That's why crime is at the order of the day! Because most people only think about themselves, or what they can gain out of a situation (yet it's so wrong)!
If only every parent can teach this rule to their child! Then it's a good start! But yes, that's just my opinion!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Make no mistake, this is not a "religion" aspect, it is a humanity common sense aspect. One does not necessarily need a mythology/ faith/ religion/ cult/ belief/, etc. (pick a term you prefer, they are all interchangeable), to know or "practice" the premise of this "rule" or whatever you want to call it. One does not necessarily need faith based ideals to be a good person, but common sense & common decency are required.

which is the same as treat others as you would treat yourself.

Thy shalt Love thy neighbor as thyself...

Alas parents can’t teach what they don’t practice. Indeed the World would be a better place if they did!

Tremain White
aka the Cartesian maxim. Treat as you'd wish or avoid .
Rather be ethical, given the choice, than any subject of another organized belief...

Narrated from Anas bin Malik that:
"The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: 'None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother" or he said "for his neighbor, what he loves for himself."
- Sunan Ibn Majah 66

Both mean the same thing.

Be wise
Someone once told me, don’t get even with people who do you wrong. But, try to get even with those that treat you kindly.

isnt that what I just answer

An eye for an eye is much better and makes more sense.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
jo, That could get you into some situations you may not be ready for. What about those who self mutilate? By that logic they are allowed to mutilate others? Food for thought.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Vonnie & Bonnie, Just because a parent teaches their child these things & the child choses to ignore it, does it still fall upon the parents? They are the ones to blame? Think again.

I'm only going to diverge from societal obligations for a quick second, also because I got this question right, but, isn't the fourth choice the same as the second? I mean, "...LOVE thyself as you LOVE thy neighbor.", and, "...treat OTHERS (i.e., a "neighbor") as YOU wish to be treated...(?)

Just to diverge from societal standard for quick second...

Apparently we need a god to tell us this and if we don't worship one then we can't possibly be moral?!?

Player Say what!?, Exactly. Always something or someone else's fault.

Vonnie, "The devil"? It's 2024. People are evil because they choose to be.

Player Say what!?
arohanui, If actions or words behoove someone, it mean they will benefit from it.

Player Say what!?, true enough. although it never behoves one to blame the devil (or anyone or thing else) because behoves doesn't mean please, it means is fitting

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Thought the golden rule was "They who have the gold makes the rules. Seems to be the way it goes anyway. <EFG>

Morals, everyone needs to have them, for a great world to live in...