Which metal is the symbol for a 50th wedding anniversary?
Correct answer: Gold

little b
i dont like the colour gold

Gold🏆 is very expensive

In today's world, I doubt very much that modern couples in Western countries will get to celebrate 50 years anniversary, talk less of 75! What with all the divorces and people staying single well into their 40's and 50's.

At first, I thought "500th wedding anniversary" then I realized it was 50th. LOL!!!

I was so wrong 😭.I answered mercury 😭😭😭

Player #14000764
A marriage is a beautiful bond of union between a man and a woman. When it last for years, which it should last all the days of the couple's life. Death is the only thing that should separate the relationship. It did my marriage. I was married 30 years 7 months 13 days. We celebrated every one of them.