Which liquid is rice cooked in to make rice pudding?
Correct answer: Milk
I made some last week. It is very easy to make and so goood!
The other options though..
burt bees
I never have rice pudding
AutumnalCrust12, My cousin makes it.
toe jam
l usually have it for breakfast served warm on a cold morning.
Player #14000764
of course you must bake the bread pudding, because eggs are in it.
Player #14000764
AutumnalCrust12, I have eaten bread pudding, when made with flavor, spice ,eggs, and milk stirred well,I eaten bread pudding made out of whole wheat bread. It is very good. I never eaten rice pudding .
I put vanilla bean, sultanas, 1dspn sugar, 1 litre milk, 3 handfuls rice, and sprinkle with nutmeg...mmm think I might make one tonight!