To procrastinate is to do what?
Correct answer: To put off doing something important without reason

Without reason? My reason is: "I don't wanna!"

Player #25874027
It’ll be a problem for me later

Mars V
“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”
Mark Twain

Clark Shastri 🤓
"Procrastination is procrastination." ~ Clark Shastri 🤓

An you better not include me in on plans with ya!

I think its safe that everybody at sometimes in life, has went through procrastination! Different levels of different devils! I dont understand it but I know
Every procrastination has the procrastinator comes for visits to settle in
to stay, 🤨but dont give in, 🤔tell him hes not welcome to stay! 😡That your not trying to sink but to swim or some say win 🤗
May we all get away from this procrastinator 😙😍

A person can procrastinate over almost anything, not necessarily just important things.

Queen Amina
Queenangel, yeah that's good love doing it

Elaine King
Mack, me too, mine is from depression

what are the solutions for remeding this ? lol