What is another name for catnip?
Correct answer: Catmint
Love watching my cats eat it and roll around in it, be a bit silly for a few minutes, then sleep ❤
TaeGuk Kweenie
Player #53553731, where is the here that you are referring to? My cat's inquiring mind wants to kneOW.
My cat loves catnip.
TaeGuk Kweenie, order it from Amazon
here in Guyana, we know it as broad leaf thyme. used for seasoning of foods.
Player #120374466
Didn't know it was useful for human consumption.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Odd statement but, I have known people who have smoked it. Odd use & not for us but, to each their own.
Gerald &Estie Anderson
Lorraine , Thanks for the info
only heard of it books we don't have it here in Australia as far as I know