In 1776 United States gained independence from which empire?
Correct answer: Great Britain

Our next Great Achievement will be to take America back from the Tyrannical Government that's in Washington DC now!

Wrong. That is the date on which independence was DECLARED … it wasn’t GAINED until Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown over 5 years later in 1781, and the Treaty of Paris formally ending the war wasn’t signed until 1783. Words have meanings … American independence was far from “gained” in July 1776.

Player #107899066
A historical explanation would’ve been fun instead of several redundant paragraphs about celebrations.

On a lighter note, the 4th of July is my favorite holiday. There's no obligation to buy gifts and we just spend the day having fun.

JonnyDz, exactly, I was about to correct them myself. thanks

Who answered, "France"? LOL

has to be great Britain cause they came to "the new world" (america) on which Columbus did not find the vikings were already there and they made them leave and Columbus took it for the British and others in europe

The explanation is just several separate "definitios" put together. Why didn't you edit it a bit???