What is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine used for?
Correct answer: Obstructive sleep apnea

Player #25874027
When I was tested for sleep apnoea the result was 28 “awakenings “ per hour . I have had a CPAP machine for about seven years now . When I was hospitalised recently for something unrelated I had to take it in with me.
One of the consultants I saw queried my medical history, so I ran through it: hypo pituitarism, type 2 diabetes, hearing loss , macular degeneration, and now arthritis.
When I finished he said I’d forgotten the most important. When I couldn’t think what that was, he said sleep apnoea and pointed to the pump. I don’t even think of it anymore

Player #55741825
Had a patient once who while in hospital maintained her airway with a Cpap but went home and decided not to use it and died as a result of her decision