15 new states were created when which country collapsed in 1991?
Correct answer: USSR

I wish you named all of the ones that left. Many do not know this information.

Some of these 15 new states has their own history before creation of USSR... for example Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

Tom, Kigizstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

little b
I've not been to the USSR

Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Uzbekistan , another -stan, Ukraine, Poland, East Germany.
Yugoslavia, Romania were not USSR? Communist, Eastern bloc , but not USSR?
Anyone else help?

Player #3157347
Just wondering as why the communist system did not collapse together in 1991 like all these countries? Sadly, this brutal regime still exist in countries like China, Vietnam and North Korea

Ukraine very sadly now

Player #31753367
Interesting and very sad to here comments from those affected by a political decision 30yrs ago. I still believe Gorbachev had honest intent for all.

Player #31753367
viesturs, Very brave comment, have you seen today's news re: Ukraine ?

Hugo, actually all of them have their own history.