What is the name of the boulder in the picture wedged between two mountains called?
Correct answer: Kjeragbolten

This is near where my family is from!

glaciers can do amazing things to landscapes

Very picturesque. But no. 😱

Never seen that before and it is fantastic, would love to go visit this area,

I've been on this, it's quite scary

I would not want to be the unfortunate individual that would be on it , if for some crazy reason it suddenly dislodged. 😵💫

Ironclad zeebra
How can you even estimate 50,000B.C?

toothless beachrat, we are in 2024 not 1994/1995

will it falls with you 😭😮

boxhead, I made some changes on my Nickname for last night at home with my wife on my bed.

Victoria, Let's go

boxhead, it is! Have Ya noticed the Solar Flares/wind/earthquakes we've been having!?!!

Perfect 😱

Ironclad zeebra, and if global warming happened in 50,000bc, why is not something that would happen now, as events are usually cyclical, regardless of cows farting or pollution?

toothless beachrat
I visited Norway twice, 1994 & 1995 to meet the parents of my girlfriend. What a beautiful country, and very friendly people. I got to attend the Winter Olympics which was an incredible experience, the hockey rink is built inside of a mountain!

im wondering how to pronounce this name

Mark V
Visualisation of what my kidney stone looked like when it's wouldn't pass!😂

Victoria, me too 😊

Danny G
So in another 50 thousand years it may be washed away! That's going to be some mighty deep water! Start on your ark today!

It's an amazing natural feature. I've been nearby on work travels but didn't get a chance at the time to see it in person!

Alison , guess you get credit for saying it first!!

I have never seen this or heard about.
I would like to see it.

Giggle pig
Maddog, oh yes, definitely it’s all speculation because we don’t know but it’s fun to guess.