In Greek mythology, who fell in love with his own reflection?
Correct answer: Narcissus

Every young person posing for their phone! 🙄🙄

Player Jellybean, Yeah, the cure is a daily flogging.

Narcissism is extremely difficult to treat based upon the fact that narcissists won't seek treatment. The nature of the disorder does not allow them to believe there could possibly be anything wrong with them.

All the Kardashians are narcissists when they're not busy getting Botox, which ironically, is making them hideously ugly !! ugh !! 😩😩😫😫😵😵

B Dog
Roadhog, having been raised by a narcissist I approve this message!!

joe donut
they should have included echo in the description

Mrs busybody
My name means narcissus. I am anything but narcissistic. What possessed my parents?😂

Player #10620731
my mother in-law

Excuse the Kuz
President Dumb Dumb is a Narcissus. It's always been funny to me that a guy that into himself has the worst combover in the history of hair.

Cat Mom
Mrs busybody, lol, bless your heart

Cat Mom
Maestra, not just young people!

Player #10620731, mine too!

joe donut, Good mention

joe donut, IKR? They oversimplified the CONTEXT of how Narcissus came to be.

Maestra, yup

no cure glad I don't do that

Player Jellybean, sadly, no.