What is Kangaroo care?

Correct answer: New born baby is kept skin to skin with its parent

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player Teresa611
Player Teresa611
My first baby was born perfectly healthy, and at full term, back in 1966. I held her for a few moments, then they took her away and insisted that I needed to rest (it was an easy vaginal delivery). I kept asking for her, but they kept telling me to rest. They didn’t bring her back to me for nearly 12 hours, by which time I was practically hysterical. Unforgivable.
Only human beings would think this was remarkable rather than entirely natural.
Player Teresa611, definitely not restful. Hope you had a loving relationship with baby after that. x
Bobnegus , with respect, no one said it was prevalent in Australia. Sounds like an excellent idea to me.
I'm Australian this is not a thing.