In which language does "Konnichi Wa" mean hello?
Correct answer: Japanese

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I'm from NW USA . it was always casual "hey" but you should smile. I moved to SE USA 10 years ago and everyone greeted you as "are you doing alright ?" I was tempted to sometimes reply " not really , do you have a minute ?" Of course people would hurry away.😂🤣

apocalypse now
Tom, I agree pare you know pare means ????

kelo wren,
ohayo, or ohayogozaimasu, is good morning, said as a morning greeting, you do not say if you see the person again later.
konnichiwa means good day.
konbanwa means good evening.

kelo wren, Hello is also a greeting. when I looked it up, it says "this is probably the most common way to say hello in Japanese"

Tina M.
I looked up konnichiwa, and it said it's one of many ways to say hello.

kelo wren, Actuallyyyyy, ohayo is good morning, and it is used on people close to you, ohayo gozaimasu is a more formal term, used on either teachers or colleagues you are not close with.
Konnichiwa is hello, normally used for anyone, whether it be close to you or someone you're meeting for the first time.
There, hope this helps :D

kelo wren, good morning is Ohaiyo gozai masu

kelo wren, Its actuallh the other way around.. Ohayo is good morning and Kon'nichiwa is hello....

I love to learn new about languages

The picture looks like it's from the ride in Disney land Paris

konnichiwa mina

so color full 🤩🌈

my fave language