Which restaurant logo is in the picture?
Correct answer: KFC

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
rcc, dinosaurs had eggs, they didn't have chickens.

Americans get warm biscuits ( scones) with their KFC, wish we did here in the UK. The fries / wedges are completely different too, much nicer over there.

Player #146489328
I wouldn't call KFC, Starbucks, Burger King or McDonald's restaurants!

Excuse the Kuz
Finger lick'n good. I enjoy the Col. once in a while. My wife thinks there's something wrong with fried chicken. My wife also believes in underwater scream therapy.

I love some chicken and kfc is fire!

Kyou Hoshino
rcc, the chicken because the protein in the egg shells are made from chicken

rcc, the egg

KFC food is pretty good, although I don't like their mashed potatoes. Like eating Elmer's glue.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
rcc, The Rooster.

Green Machine, lhop was called lnternational house of pancakes everyone wants everything shortened except their paycheck

rcc, the egg. This is because way before hens existed,eggs were being laid by dinosaurs and fish before dino's

Green Machine, now it's just awful. way too greasy

They must be the world's biggest purchaser of chicken... I doubt they are but I sincerely hope they were free range and treated well..

I answered this already, but, I'll say it again, It's a little bit greasy for me, I prefer Churches! Thank you very much 😋.

Fried chicken 🍗 🤤

I never ate burgers for a while 🥺🥺🥺!

kfc is my fav!

RainDuty DustSprings
Next to KFC box is something blurry... what is it hiding again?

Player #47066839
KFC still remains the favorite in the Bahamas

Who ever got that wrong.S hame on you!

player 1
rcc, egg

McDonald's?!?!?! WHY

Hong jisoo
I thought it was burger King😭