In which African country did the laughter epidemic occur in 1962?
Correct answer: Tanzania

WOW seriously? I have never heard of this in my life! it was few years before my time but still. thank you for this strange new addition to my collection of sometimes useless but always appreciated knowledge!!

I’d very much like to have this laughing mystery if only for a moment. Life gets so serious and painful the older I become.

This is fascinating! it reminds me of the Dancing Plague of 1518 in Strasbourg, where somewhere between 50 and 400 people started dancing and couldn't stop. Some people even died because their bodies gave out

Player #88418654
Bam310, you can get there. Give yourself a moment every day to look outside and see something that makes you smile. Getting old is tough and sometimes painful, but the laughter and lightness is out there I promise. Don't let go of your pleasure in simple things.

Player #120374466
Extreme laughter is just one step from crying. Stress can do it. I at times have gotten into laughing jags. Something just hits as funny and it goes for an hour or so.

we should all laugh 😂 more

A great example of mass hysteria me thinks

Player #97184361
I’ve witnessed in the 1970’s friends who were smokers of marijuana at times experience bouts of laughing “ fits” for at least an hour or so and could not stop. ! ! !

Bam310, it would probably be fun for the first little bit but then, if you can’t stop, it would be torture!

I have heard there is an explanation, and it even has a name... I had a laughing attack, it lasted about 3/4 of an hour, no reason, just began laughing, and couldn't stop. There was a full moon that night... who knows!!?

made me giggle 😂🤭

GREAT lil' story

Robert, what ? u sirius ?

I wouldn't mine a little more laughter it beats crying 😸

That’s just crazy. Never heard that before. Thanks

Robert, I read about that too, my guess it was something they ingested or inhaled???

Petie, I would slightly adjust that sentiment to: "We should all endeavor to have a healthy sense of humor - including not taking ourselves too seriously"

I am from Tanzania, I have never heard of this! Woow!.I need to find out more!

I love it. Laughter is so good for you!

Smokey 84
Bam310, I'm in my 70's and know how you feel. Keep playing this game to learn and read the comments. So many of them are thoughtful and hysterical 🤣 Keeps me in a good mood. 👍

Player #97184361, Weed smokers do it alot

Byrde Alpha Bitch
ZeroHero, Completely psychological. No bug, no drug, not environmental nor elemental. nothing of the sort is needed. It is simply psychological, a mob mentality that has been turned on its head, so-to-speak. Humans are indeed fascinating at the very least.

Melanie, watch episode 3 or 4 of brilliant minds,it explains why this kind of stuff happens!

very interesting 🤔

Cat Mom
Player #97184361, that's different

Cat Mom
Melanie, lol

Bam310, lol yes agrreeeed

Claren Reando
Bam310, please keep looking for the JOY

nano, Tasmanian Devil is from Australia.

Player #97184361, would help if they kept that up

This is fascinating! I guess due to timing we, the USA was preoccuppied with JFK we didn't hear about this.

Peace , why would laughter be demonic??

hence the Tazmanian devil.🤣🤣

Fairies 😏

Roger Amilcar
something similar happens in Nicaragua among black tribes

Never heard of this but … a lot of black history isn’t told! I was only 3+ months old then!

Robert, 😲 I’m thinking maybe it was some “bug” that caused both of these strange occurrences? Like something in their environment … a blood test nowadays might tell what could have caused them?🤔