Who were Hannibal, Face, B.A. and Murdock?
Correct answer: The A-Team

I remember this series
loved Murdok!

“I love when a plan comes together”

A big fan of this tv program 👍

Fear Women Only
a very big fan of this series 🤞🤞

I have the complete series of the A-Team! The show was amazing! I took my son to meet Mr. T when Mr. T was filming episodes of his show (can't remember what it was called). The man is huge but was super nice to everyone, especially the kids!

Stu Watts
Loved watching the A Team when I was a lad and enjoy watching it today

Be wise
I pity the fool!

Akamai 👑 Haulana
One of my dad's favorite shows the family agreed to.

Who could forget this show on a Saturday evening.

Saturday nights 8:30 📺

Ana , I loved how everyone would shoot hundreds of rounds of ammunition but nobody ever got killed 🤣

Great Show Murdock was my favorite too

"I pity the fool" who didn't watch this show