What is the primary reason why humans sweat?
Correct answer: To regulate heat

Tina M., I, on the other hand, sweat so profusely, it's embarrassing 😥

if I said I was sweating, my mother used to say "Horses sweat, men perspire, but ladies merely glow". 😂

With having menopause 4 the last 10yrs, it's a multiple daily thing. Not nice.

Tina M.
My face never sweats. It's very uncomfortable when I'm hot, since I can't cool off due to my lack of sweating.

arohanui, I've never met ur mother, but already I like her!! Classy lady, i love the way u think!! My ex bf said the same thing!!

I always laugh from that episode in victorious when Jade sweats for the first time… “Something’s dripping on me, I’m NOT sweatiiiing!” 😂

The question is ok, but the answer is not formulated right. To regulate heat??? Where? Inside, outside? It should say "to regulate the heat of the body".

Mouth🤪, You only loose water

I couldn't wear pastel tops from my excessive sweating. Now I use Secret clinical strength and it really works.

No we humans sweat through our Organs (Skin) to release
Toxins ,Salts, Sodium,Ect

deja, amen! And the night sweats...! :(

Player #107789144
arohanui, Lol!! I’ll remember that one when I’m sweating, like today after mowing the lawn!! I’m just “ glowing “ … I like that !!

Player #120374466
When it gets hot, I don't sweat enough and therefore get over heated.