Which of these is a cross between a lion and a tiger?
Correct answer: Tigon

Lady of the Lake
The name is formed from Male(M) + Female(F). So...
(M)Tiger + (F)Lion = Tigon
(M)Lion + (F)Tiger = Liger

Player #20136064
Go_Cowboys, Traditionally in naming hybrids the species of the father comes first. Male lion mating with a female tiger produces a liger whereas a male tiger mating with a female lion produces a tigon.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Damwic , dangerous is when they are wrong but are convinced that they are right and angry about it.

Typically would be a Liger, but could be a Tigon depending on the male/female mix.

Nexus 6
Did anyone else think of the movie Napoleon Dynamite?

Lady of the Lake, thank you that explanation helped

Player #97184361
Player #20136064, I say go with what’s easiest on the tongue. ! ! !

I hate tigon

Player #31753367
Player #20136064, Dissagree , Unless Male involved had been ' witnessed ' The Female of the species Must be the Main element of ' crossbreed ' Do we know how many are around ?

Really it's a Liger ... sometimes brains are dangerous lol

Player #38058755
if the male is a tiger and a female is a lion it's a tigon if the mail is a lion and the female is a tiger it is a ligor

I was looking for Liger, but I guess Tigon will also do the trick.