What did Virginia Apgar invent?
Correct answer: Apgar Score (for new born babies)

I always wondered what Apgar stands for, now I know why it's called that.
Both my kids got 9/10 or 10/10 for their scores. Which is a good score.

Very smart doctor.

Player #120374466
I had one child 4 decades ago and I was not given a score. It's my first time reading about this. I had difficult delivery and both the baby and me were in danger. But it came out ok

My little girl was an 8/9

Tom, The Apgar scale is also used in Canada. My daughter scored 9.5 when she was born, my son scored 9.9 only because the hospital where he was born did not believe in giving out perfect 10s.

Is this universal or mostly American? I haven't heard of it.