Who took the world's first long distance journey by automobile?
Correct answer: Bertha Benz

Player #53553731, No relation. Mercedes, the company merged with Benz the company to form Mercedes-Benz. I may be wrong but I seem to remember Mercedes was someone's daughter, not a surname.

I am not a number.
TheLadyKane, you're absolutely right. I've taken this from Wiki:
Emil Jellinek (6 April 1853 – 21 January 1918) was a Jewish automobile entrepreneur of the Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG), responsible in 1900 for commissioning the first modern automobile, the Mercedes 35hp. Jellinek created the Mercedes trademark in 1902, naming it in honour of his daughter, Mercédès Jellinek. He became known as Emil Jellinek-Mercedes after 1903

Player #120374466
Wow! what a brave woman to take on such a task. Embarking on the unknowns of long distance motor travel. This is the first I have heard of her.

I am not a number., if you're ever in Stuttgart, visit the Mercedes museum. it is absolutely fascinating and leads you through the whole history of the company and Germany as you walk from the top to the bottom. I spent a couple of hours there but you could easily stay for more.

I am not a number.
Glendar, those numbers at the end are a bit of bad programming in the game. You have entered an emoji which is then "html encoded" for storage but when it is re-read it doesn't "html decode" to display properly. It's been like that for years and never fixed.

KneeDamage, *I did NOT put those numbers after my comment! Start the Twilight Zone theme.....

KneeDamage, *Aside, here! I have knee damage, snapped it cartwheeling down the stairs in 2020, then 4 yrs later almost to the Day (April Fools Day, no lie,) I tripped and broke my patella. Recovering--mostly from inept Dr's "treatment"... still your name jumped out!ALSO, I see ppl putting "I am not a number" a lot, yet ppl who don't sign up I guess (?) are given a number. It's this an in joke I should be aware of?! 🤔

Jellinek was the (very successful) sales agent for Daimler, which later merged with Benz.