Eminem starred in which semi-autobiographical film?
Correct answer: 8 Mile

Nerak 7
He is allot more talented than he gets credit for. Watch the film today and look at the singers today and you will see what I am talking about.

Cat Mom
And of course no one asked for my opinion either but I used to love Eminem & I watched 8 Mile several times (so tragic about Britney Murphys death, she was a good choice to play his girlfriend) but now I listen to Christian music & a good 'white rapper' is Toby Mack, formerly of the Christian group DC Talk

Why did Eight Mile Island never win any races?
Because it always had a meltdown halfway through!

The Holeshot
Proclaimers done 100 miles

Nerak 7, A lot,spell check first!

Nerak 7, Dont have to convince me, Ive been a fan a long time! Hip Hop & Rap is usually done better by a black american, until Eminem that is! He just happens to be white and at the top of the game!

I know you didn't ask me. but I'm partial to Tupac, Mos def in his freestyling days and DMX for old school rap. Newer rappers I like Nipsey Hussle..Rick Ross.. and Kendrick Lamar. R.I.P Nip and Tupac 🙌🏾

ace, big rap fan here, curious who you like more

I have always liked Eminem's music he is one of the best rappers, but not the best