The New and Old Testament are found in which book?
Correct answer: The Bible
Player #12331564
Player #57918227,
So in the old testament it says "and eye for an eye" etc. While the new testament says turn the other cheek and forgive your enemies!
Make your mind up.
I have been reading the Bible for over 50 years.
little b
I don't read the bible
Nothing wrong with the Bible, but I have found that people that are really into it have never really read any other book.
Just shows it was out of the minds of men.
A perfect god wouldn’t have to update anything.
Duchess, by Jesus Christ my friend!
Player #12331564, it does say eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth but in the New Testament their is a new law! The new law is venegeance is gods sayeth the lord!
King James Version is what I like! I love the Bible period! It’s truth and nothing but the truth! God is good and without Jesus none of us would be anything! That’s facts! Whoever doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ better start today! He is the one and only god we have and he is amazing! Just let him lead you and guide you the whole way! The Bible will tell it all and if you don’t understand something always know Jesus will get you too! You ask and you shall receive! Amen!
The Bible is a collection of books, written by man, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Player #12331564, new teachings in the N.T.
Player #75494784
Aayan, no they're real