What is an early sign of autism in babies six months to one year old?
Correct answer: All of them

Alicia, I’m so sorry.

I work with these kiddos between the age of 14 and 21. I love watching them grow and learn.

my son has ASD and he has tics too which has gotten worse with age.

Alicia, I hope for you and him a life of enjoyment and laughter 🙏 amen

AUrelius, my grandson has autism, he looks at people, he smiles, laughs, sings but does not talk or respond to his name. But he is the most beautiful and happy 2 year old boy you could wish for. I am blessed.

Daddy Kemmy
Alicia take a heart ❤️ my dear all will b ok 🙏🙏

Alicia, stay strong hon, your beautiful son will respond to you, his loving mother.

Mouth🤪, my mom teaches auitsic kids and Bind students!

My mom teaches autistic kids and blind students!

my grandson has autism as well. I'm learning about how autism affects him. So far, I discovered that while autism makes communication a challenge, it does not mean he isn't smart.

Mr Spurs
Alicia, my son is adhd , autistic , has tourettes and quite possibly also has split personality disorder . Still it's all fun .

Alicia, my grandson has this. He just turned twelve yrs old. He an I have a special bond and I love him so much. I also think the cause for this is environmental and I wish we knew for sure so that it can be stopped. Life isn't the same for everyone not even the smallest things in life. But we do our best w our love ones. God bless you and your son Alicia

AUrelius, I think fluoride in the drinking water has something to do with it, in the 1970s fluoride was termed a toxic waste, now it is in our water and toothpaste. why is this, can anyone tell me please?