Which planet has long been considered as the "twin sister" of earth?
Correct answer: Venus
I really like the way the answer has been explained so that it is easier to understand. It doesn't assume that we are all familiar with the terminology of astronomy. Good q and a.
Blinky, that’s what the Venusians want you to think 🧐
Flutterby, makes you wonder if that’s what the Earth will end up looking like overtime if we don’t take care of it
So similar to Earth and yet there is no life on it?
Trish, ultimately the Earth will be swallowed up by the Sun when it expands at the end of its life.
Major Naive Cube
Really loving this 👍😊 very informative.
Jonesy, but not as we know it
jsh, What they don't say is that Venus is less hospitable than Mars or Mercury. Atmospheric pressure is so high that the lander was crushed and signals to Earth stopped after a few minutes.
Player #120374466
wesley, Really? Who says.
The ambient temperature on Venus is 900°F with sulphuric acid clouds. Runaway global warming.
Blinky, there may be life on Venus
Blinky, that we know of.