A nectarine is a smooth-skinned variety of which other stoned fruit?
Correct answer: Peach
I always thought nectarines were a cross between a plum and a peach
Player #25874027
Nectarines and peaches are now sold as ripen at home . The hand grenades have a 10 minute period in the middle of the night when they’re ready to eat. If you miss that slot they will be rotting by the time you wake up .
Can’t remember when I had a decent peach or nectarine
Player #10500122
Player #25874027, Colorado peaches the first two weeks of August has been the only luck I’ve had. They are so delicious in that small window of time though!
I eat nectarines.
A peach with out fuzz, perfect.
love the whole family
peach, nectarine, plum, even apricots (although apricots mostly to cook with)