Where did Christianity originate?

Correct answer: Israel

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
lord amir
lord amir
it was in palastine not isreal
it was in palestine and never Israel..
but I think in the time of Jesus peace be upon him Israel has no existence just historical fact I mean
little b
little b
I'm not inggmhg
Nazareth and Bethlehem are cities in the west bank, palestinian territory
Israel is a relatively new name. Historically during the time of he birth of Jesus it was known as Judea. At the time Romans and Greeks called it Palestine, the land of the Philistines.
Ghassan A
Ghassan A
Without going into any political debate refer to the Bible & it’s clearly said Jesus of Nazareth was born in Palestine
Player #14000764
Player #14000764
Player #53553731, Jesus is a Hebrew from the line of King David. His was foretold in the book of Genesis, Isaiah, Micah and Malachi. The prophets foretold that a saviour would come,Christ the lord the anointed by God.