What item was behind bars at an exhibit in the Bronx, labeled "The Most Dangerous Animal in the World"?
Correct answer: Mirror

THIS EXHIBIT IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Look at what the planet is going through in 2022. Man has doomed this planet!

It is true, human beings are most dangerous animal on our planet.

yep humans are the most dangerous, they are destroying the earth the animal for what greed

Wow, people. All of the comments are so pessimistic. How about: Which mammal creates art, music, and dance for beauty's sake? Which mammal travels to impoverished parts of the world to help those less fortunate?
Humans can be a source for good and bad. It's up to each of us, individually, to choose.

swampyacres1, And to think that humans are supposed to be the most intelligent animal in planet .

Player #89465907
Kris, It may be harder to raise a decent human today. But it's SO worth it! Maybe your Grandchild could be the one who makes things better for all of us!? 🤔 You're making it Global, caring starts at home. There are still millions of caring people in this world. One should aspire to raise a child to become one of them.

Yes too many opportunistic, greedy and selfish humans on this planet.

Really we are only dangerous if we choose to be. It’s all in our hands me myself. I’m not a danger to any person,animals or or plants! And that’s my option in life.

LucyLu😏, unfortunately it's very difficult to live without using plastic and other materials that most countries don't recycle effectively. I was very impressed by how much glass they use in Ireland instead of the ubiquitous single use plastic we use in the US.

Kris, but you brought her into this world...

lucy, destroying the earth and each other.

LolliNannaPop, Who knows if that precious baby won't be the one who makes an outstanding, positively beautiful contribution and hope into this messed up world?

Lionessa, And cheesecake!! 🤗

LucyLu😏, Yeah😇 Be the best we can be ! and don't forget " the Golden Rule ".

Player #89465907, I agree !

HawaiianShirtGuy, Oh it's so good to hear a positive person speak up for a change !! I think it's the pessimistic attitude that can ruin so much without even realizing.

HawaiianShirtGuy, yeah, right. Man commits the most horror of all creatures to his fellow man, to other animals of all kinds, and to the earth itself. You can try to justify all you want. Just face the facts. The comments are not pessimistic. They are realistic. Man is capable of great things but still insists on performing atrocities after atrocities.

Does not say the worst animal but the most dangerous. Our assumed superiority comes with greater responsibility. We need to acknowledge relationship with our planet instead of ownership

Lucie Freya
Hugo, But we aren't an animal. We are a part of the animal kingdom, but we aren't the same as an hippo etc. There's human and non human animals.

I beg to differ with those who would condemn mankind as "just the WORST." The works of Shakespeare, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Mathematics, The Declaration of Independence, the internet, Einstein's theories of relativity, Medicine, the harnessing of electricity, the printing press, The Constitution, the Mapping of the Human Genome, and Cheeseburgers with French Fries.

LucyLu😏, CHOICE. The most valuable wonderful thing some of us have.....

HawaiianShirtGuy, lots of mammals sing etc to lift the 'spirt' of a mourning ""beast ""

Hugo, And to think we are human so we are all dangerous.

lucy, and each other without thought or care.

I live in Oklahoma with a lake called Tallaqulah Lake where you can rent a canue, for the day. and they have an exhibit of broken canues ripped up life jackets, and the monster in the mirror caused it All.

HawaiianShirtGuy, Have you ever heard of Birds divorcing? No! But you are right.

Bernsoi, Man or Woman?

Bernsoi, The planet will survive the human species. It is we who will not survive, and when we're gone, the earth will sigh in relief, heal herself, and start over.

HawaiianShirtGuy, The sentiment is nice and of course we have done have done some truly exceptional things. I think the issue REALISTIC humans have is that, as a species, we are destroying ourselves and our planet as a whole.

Somehow... really not a hard question despite no prior knowledge. We really are awful.

HawaiianShirtGuy, YES agree with BOTH perspectives AND ... We Create What we FOCUS on. thanks for yr brilliant REALLY Positive comment 😀

Can't argue with that one.

Player #33254595
Player #23300030, are we killing the earth? super volcanoes, ice ages, asteroids couldn't do it but you think man can do it? that's pretty arrogant and impressive if true.

This should be repeated now in every zoo in the world.

HawaiianShirtGuy, too few, too late...

Bernsoi, the magic word there is MAN!!!!!

Player #89465907, 👏🏾 Well said!!!

HawaiianShirtGuy, so TRUE! Please, folks, don't sell humanity short!

Bernsoi, Definitely. I'm glad that I am now...as the saying goes.."In the waiting room"! I am sad for those who are now born into this diminishing planet!