What is Jonathan Lee Riches famous for?
Correct answer: He is called the most litigant in the world

Private Jarhead
I would like to make a comment, but I might get sued. 😊

Who are these judges that keep awarding him money!?!?

B Dog
Jonathan Lee Riches is now suing this app for using his name, upon which he undoubtedly has filed a copyright 😂

I'm assuming he's American

The judges are as prattish as he is. It's about time one of them told him where to go!

he should sue his lungs for breathing for him I was going to say heart but he doesn't have one.

Player #33292972
No wonder he’s alone, who would want to be with someone who might sue for oh I don’t know, not being good in the bedroom, or maybe didn’t pay her share of a restaurant bill??

DMS #30509482
I wish he would face judge Judy

Anna J
Well said, Private Jarhead!

And yet another example of the flawed criminal justice system. The whole system is corrupt.

i agree with toye

this man is a genius.to be an american has no link with it.

shortest is spelled with a t

Anne, and another option was the shorest man!

Anne, oh geez he'll prolly sue for that!

Player #133331907
Mandy, I don't know but I want them as friends 😉😂

Mandy, bleeding heart liberals, who else?

Private Jarhead, ya know don't ya 😂😂😂 one way to make money 💰💰💰

He needs to be teaching in law schools.

Jessicka don't do that...assume he is an American...I'm an American we are very good ppl regardless of what others may say or think...

Bro is a walking cheat code

sweet pea
I believe you should say most litigious...not most litigient.

Jessicka, lam assuming him a german

the Makers of this game better be careful you may be the next to get sued for putting his business out there in the game

Risper kadzo
2600 law suits he must be genius

Anne, you can report the mistake in this game.

Why mention him here without his permission

Toye,sorry to disappoint you, but he is American, and apparently none too smart. The description lists the amount he gained from suing his mother in dollars, not pounds or euros. he has been caught and charged more than once. He has tried to sue ancient Greeks, the Hitler Nazi Party, and other non-existent bodies. He is not in fact mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records, but he sued them anyway.

B Dog, that was hilarious B dog!!

Player #33896106
2600 lawsuits! No doubt, a miserable guy.

Trish, this has nothing to do with the criminal justice system. These lawsuits are litigated in civil court not criminal court.

JJ Fraz
He's making a pretty good point though.

Player #122463017
Toye, so we should feel sorry for him and his disgusting behaviour 🤔🙄

Player #92723922
" . . . got up from the TV show."
Can we sue this game for linguistic incompetence?

Player #35382456, I fear no Male! They fear ME!!!

Toye, Aha! Another Sheldon Cooper!

To be honest at the end I saw him as a bad guy

that's someone who I would consider the saddest person ever

Sher-o-Kee, in All that money he's sued for

The word is litigious, not litigant.