In which country is Acadia National Park?
Correct answer: United States of America

My husband arranged our honeymoon there 30 years ago. Lovely place. We returned 10 years wonderful as ever ❤

Banksy Art
I have cycled all over it - on my bike at the gym with the visuals. nice to know more about it now.

I live in the US but never been to. beautiful I'm sure..I love our country

"Glacial erratics" are huge boulders that were picked up by glaciers as they flowed over the land. As the glaciers receded at the end of the last ice age, they dropped these giant stones wherever they fell. There is an excellent collection of erratics in New York's Central Park, along with deep scratches in the exposed bedrock made by the glacier.

Husband and I vacationed there some years ago and it was so beautiful. We were able to eat wild blueberries 🫐 right off of Cadillac Mountain. The scenery was to beholden.

Easy question because I have been there.

I only recently learned that there are over 4600 islands off the Maine coast.