Who is the man in the picture?
Correct answer: Tucker Carlson

He's not on Fox anymore. he was canned after Fox had to pay 780 million dollars to settle the voting machine lawsuit.

A truly despicable man spreading misinformation and hatred for money.

arohanui, I wish I had never heard of him. A truly despicable man.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Tarry, A true waste of space & air.

as a non-resident of the USA I have never heard of any of them.

MOST media is part of the Corruption to feed citizens propaganda and keep us in Fear so we don't have Self-goverance! 😀
ask yourself is the so-called 'news' Empowering OR Disempowering as it focuses ad nauseum on what ISNT working?

Ann Martha
I haven't heard of any of them

Mars V
At first I thought it was Eli Manning.

Type of people that should never a seat of power