What is the name of the household appliance for smoothing wrinkles and creases on clothes?
Correct answer: Iron

Player #32777802
Who invented the Iron and what year was it invented

little b
i dont have a iron

toe jam
I make sure all clothes l buy are permanent press. I hate to iron.

Player #14000764
I grew up in the 60's Mom used a electric iron. She had the old fashioned iron,and they stayed on the mantel shelf in the dining room. My older sisters used the irons where you have to heat in order to smooth

Nowadays, you can plug in your iron and heat it to use. Before it became an electrical appliance, whoever wanted to iron may have had two. The were heated on a wood-burning stove and used one at a time. As the one in use cooled, it was returned to the stovetop to heat up, and the second was used.

Player #22730931
Bonus time😝