What is the name of the container shown in the photo?
Correct answer: Jerrycan

They are made so that when they are full, there is still an air pocket at the top. During WW2, they were dropped in the ocean, and since there was air in them, they floated. This allowed troops to collect them.

At the onset of WW2 the allies primary fuel container was a clumsy USA design that was basically a square with a metal cap. Soldiers seing the superior German (Gerry or Jerry) design prized them and collected them when possible.

Player #97184361
DkRatz72, So the (Jerry) part of the name came from the short nickname for German. ? ? ? ! ! !

Globular Martian
Still useful nowadays for topping up fuel for the lawnmower.

Player #104638436,
in fact that was the answer I was looking for but I took a guess and was right : )