In South Africa, Ndebele people wear neck rings for what reason?
Correct answer: All three answers are correct

But if they are removed, the head will lose its support.

Why do only women have to wear uncomfortable things to look beautiful? I've never heard of any tradition or fashion anywhere in the world where men have to wear or do something uncomfortable for the sake of fashion or beauty. Women’s bodies are naturally so uncomfortable to be in to begin with, with breasts, periods, pregnancy, menopause, and on top of all these, ridiculous traditions make life even more uncomfortable for women. That's why I don’t like heels—they look good but are incredibly uncomfortable.

Do remove it when taking a bath???

On time
In Thailand too there are long neck women who put brass rings on their neck at the age of 5-6 years old

little b
i dont wear neck ring's

Since human necks have the same number and size vertibrae, does the stretching over time, damage the nerves? They are supposed to be protected within it.

Mars V
Whatever floats their boat, I suppose.

read all responses, even if you know the first one is correct.

abobo, best comment.