What's Harry Potter most well known for in the wizard world?
Correct answer: He is only person to survive Voldemort killing curse

He’s “the boy that lived”.

Never read them or saw the films, but a lot of questions in this game related.

I am re-reading the Harry Potter series at the moment and still enjoying them. I think Jo Rowling wrote brilliantly for 11+ age group.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, in all honesty I don't think she did change; it was always in her but money and celebrity helped it come out. Personally I don't believe she's a bad person even if I don't agree with some of her politics.

Correct the grammar, it should be parents ARE not IS.

Biological parents' are' surely not' is ' wizards - I'm sure J K Rowling would have managed a mother and a father!

TRUE CANADIAN Laurel, hi I want to know what exactly changed after she got famous. Just like you, I never read the books but I watched the whole series multiple times.

Player #25874027
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, She is just a target of woke nutters because she has spoken out in support of normality

I just saw some of Harry Potters but not all