Which TV series introduce us to Tom Hanks?
Correct answer: Bosom Buddies

Although not a choice, Tom Hanks first appeared in an episode of The Love Boat 1 week before the pilot of Bosum Buddies aired

❤️❤️❤️❤️Tom Hanks!!

Never knew this but I personally think the man is a genius, films like Big, The Burbs, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia and so many more are funny, touching and entertaining, just love the guy, plus he loves the Villa! LEGEND 👍

Smokey 84
I don't believe it. At this very moment I am watching Bosom Buddies!! (which I have not seen in YEARS)

Byrde Alpha Bitch
"Bosom Buddies" probably would be protested nowadays if it were to be made in our present social climate. Hanks is wonderful in all of his roles; serious, silly, etc. Would love to see him play a villain or a dark role.

Nerak 7
I liked him on Apollo Thirteen, Catch me if you can, Saving Private Ryan, Sleepless in Seattle.. so many ….

"All though"?

Player #92723922
It was like having Some Like it Hot on tv every week. So funny!

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #23222557, Those are accusations only, no actual proof has come forward thus far.

Player #23222557
And then Epstein let us know the other side of Tom Hanks

My favorite movie with Tom Hanks was his playing Walt Disney in Saving Mr. Banks.

Player #53553731,
who votes down this sort of statement.
Do we read it as, "I didn't", "you didn't", ""I haven't seen it", "I don't like Forest Gump".
I don't know how to interpret it.