What is calligraphy?
Correct answer: Decorative Writing
Taught myself the art of calligraphy ... in the back of the Chemistry class.
Player #96890951
Taught myself [Age 10] Fancy Styled Lettering.
From Old, Tatty Book)
Being LEFT - Handed
letters got Smudged
Tried writing @ 90° angles. Being Patient in
Weeks Could Write them Easily. No more r
( Old Book) was NOT going to beat me ,
true 🙂,,, calligraphy,, just like an old english letters a little bit same.. I see it from social cards etc.
great design's of letters.
Dreams, funny, I like this game because it teaches a lot of information, if the question is something that interest you can learn a lot.
J’aime calligraphié
Player #52905074
I Used A Hint