What is the name of the invisible shell that surrounds the human body in esotericism and parapsychology?
Correct answer: Aura

yeah... but, what do you call it when you just get "bad vibes" from someone? My 1st intuition about a person or place, is almost always spot on

Discernment. 👀

Wannabe Vulcan
Player #53883931, I call it being observant.

Wanda kochenour, they didn't know they were naked initially, because they had not sinned yet, once they disobeyed God, that's when all the innocence ended, and got all messed up, Jesus paid the penalty for it all, trust him, the Christ, He will eventually return and put everything right again, the aura stuff is just not the answer.

Wanda, they disobeyed God.

Wanda kochenour
I think it’s what Adam and Eve had before the fall. Because they didn’t know they were naked.

it's invisible??