What was the Roman scourge?
Correct answer: A whip to inflict corporal punishment

Jesus's body was mutilated. We don't realize this when looking at pictures of Him on the cross.

Player #25874027
Blinky, Those are not pictures of Jesus on the cross .
They are imagined representations of artistic expression

Player #48809092
we need jesus cuz of his love

Hundreds of thousands of people were crucified. Crucifixion most likely began with the Assyrians and Babylonians, and it was also practiced systematically by the Persians in the sixth century B.C., according to a 2003 report in the South African Medical Journal. The Romans learnt it from the Persians during the Punic wars and perfected it, as they did with roads, water systems and public baths. Romans were not all bad, just really good at what they did.Romans "perfected crucifixion" until Constantine I abolished it in the fourth century A.D .Interesting fact- over 6000 ( all of Spartans) people were crucified along the Appian way - roadside from Capua to Rome.

Player #48809092, he is the way

Player #25874027, The flogging really happened to God's son. You can only imagine the suffering and pain inflicted. Their great love saves us.

Humanity's abuse of Humanity!! the extent has changed only by degrees

Shouldn't the last answer be chariots and not cars. I don't think the car was invented til a few hundred years later.

this is awful to think and know what Jesus experienced. it's gotta be one of the cruelest tortures out there

Fredrico, yes, but only by modern western basis. (nearly) Everyone in ancient times was very nasty. Producing unbelievably cruel treatments.