Which hormone stimulates the secretion of milk by the mammary glands?
Correct answer: Prolactin

arohanui, Some women have problems breastfeeding and should not be shamed for it.

Player #122166978
if a mother has to take medicine daily for conditions such as epilepsy, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases that require medication she can't nurse her baby herself.

why would any woman avoid nursing her baby herself? it's so natural and satisfying to feed this way.

Player #97184361
arohanui, They (Doctors) have not touched on the satisfying feeling females receives. Naturally all avoid speaking of this emotion that is valuable to being calm and addicted in a good natural way. Both for babies and specially for mothers. ! ! !

Areolai not Alveoli: The areola is the circular darker-colored area of skin surrounding your nipple.

This answer is confusing since alveoli are the tiny air sacs at the end of the bronchioles in the lungs and therefore have nothing to do with milk production nor secretion.

arohanui, well it can also be painful and distressing, particularly after an early Caesarean. I wouldn’t want to judge anyone for their choice - we all know breast is best, but that in itself puts a huge amount of pressure on mothers when they’re at their most vulnerable. I had to supplement breastfeeding with formula after my Caesarean at 35 weeks and my milk was coming through mixed with blood so couldn’t be used. My twins were also very thirsty! But once I realised that even a little breast milk is better than nothing, as it helps the babies’ immune system, I felt less pressure….

Jacob, If the baby’s “latch”, or positioning, is not optimal, it can be very painful. This can be learned, and improved on. The longer a poor latch is allowed, the more pain & frustration for both mother & child, and the poorer production of milk. Can feel like razor-blades! But with proper alignment, oxytocin production is magnified, both mother & babe are very soothed & relaxed, often becoming intensely sleepy. Oxytocin is often called the “hormone of falling in love”. So, how it feels, like all things - “depends”. When going well, initially feels tingly, then great relief, and warmly bonding.

Perr Bear
Those lucky babies!
A man spends 9 months trying to get out, then the rest of his life trying to get back in.

some women are not able to nurse their babies.

Never heard of this one.

The benefit of breast milk fed is undeniable, but that doesn't mean it is appropriate for very mom and child. Do not judge!

I had five children. I nursed three, two I didn't. The two I didn't are fatter, and the three I did are slim. It's in the milk, mama

Shelley, laughing the important thing to know is how to break that latch, without waking them up! little finger side of the mouth works, but you still get that num mum mum reaction!

Jackie, as a mum, of 4 kids all breast fed. it is bloody uncomfortable, socially not acceptable and the right thing to do! love.

I took Biology in high school and college.

Roxanne, you could look up the term “alveoli”. It describes tiny clustered, grape-like, sac-structures which are present in lung tissue for air, and breast tissue for milk production. Lobule formations of alveoli. The term is used accurately. Essential for milk production.

had the word lactin

I’ll have what he’s having!

Player #120374466
Jackie, I had a cesarean delivery, but after a few days the milk came very freely

Player #14000764
The picture shows the mother feeding her babies the same times. The twins can nourish the same. Mom can produce plenty of milk for her sweeties. God Almighty created in the woman what is needed. That's a beautiful picture.

it's in the name

Jacob, so much better than good!!

arohanui, And free.