How quickly does a sloth move?
Correct answer: Slowly

They also go down to the ground to a clear area near the base of a tree to poo. They usually do this about once a week. It is thought this is so the chemical messages contained in the poo can be more easily accessible to other sloths.

My Mother loves sloths.

Easy but I accidentally pushed the wrong button and then I got it wrong

I prefer meerkats.

that is why some people are referred to as slow as a sloth.

Just about the sweetest most lovable animals ever - it's sad that it's illegal to have one for a pet. They're pretty smart too.

Tara Tippy.
Sloths 🦥

Very slow. A sloth is my favorite animal of all time. Well I like peacocks too!

Republic of Taiwan
If the options say "Very Slowly, Slowly, Slow, Very Very Slow" then we all fail 😂😂😂