What year comes before 99 BC?

Correct answer: 100 BC

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What people think about it: 11 Comments
excuse me if im wrong I thought that BC is before Christ and AD is after death (stand corrected)
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Olly, you're right if you're counting backwards, but this is about chronological sequence which would be 101BC, 100BC, 99BC, 98BC ... 1BC, 1AD, 2AD, etc.
Goblin, it is and I agree, BUT since the dividing line is still the birth of Jesus, the point seems moot. 😆
That Count, Ray Bumpkin - Thanks for your reply. Our use of BC dates means that they can only count backwards. For instance, Alexander the Great was born in 356BC and died in 323BC, i.e. the dates go backwards. I think all that means is that the question was meaningless (or daft, as we say in Lancashire, England, where I come from)!
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
I have a Roman coin from Julius Caesar era dated. 44BC. It's worth a fortune! (I feel that I now have to explain this is a joke)
Marcy, you are wrong but I remember being told that too at my Catholic primary school. They thought we were too young to handle Latin is my guess.
I know the answer is to count backwards.
Marcy, AD stands for Anno Domini which translates as "the year of our Lord"
Mrs busybody
Mrs busybody
Goblin, what total rubbish. It’s still counting years before or after Jesus Christ nothing more or less so why try to make it something it’s not? Inclusive or not it is what it is. As a Muslim I don’t have a problem with that.
I prefer to use the more secular B.C.E. ( Before the Common Era). It is more inclusive and represents our entire world, not just a faction.
Am I being a bit thick, but as BC years are counting back from 1BC, surely it would be 98BC coming before 99BC and 100BC coming after 99BC? Or have I misunderstood the question?What do other players say?