Who was Alexander Graham Bell?
Correct answer: The inventor of the telephone

There’s a wonderfully funny scene in Godfather 3 (very few of those in that awful movie)where Micheal Corleone is presented with the “Meucci” award for being the Italian American “businessman “ of the year the thing is the size of a dinner plate lol

Craven, but the thing is that he didn't patten his invention and Alexander Graham Bell did...that is why they say that he was the 1st to invention the telephone.

Antonio Meucci - look him up

Player#33717691 - Hurrah for the English and the Scots!! Every one a winner!

Tomm , he was a eugenics, he wanted deaf people to be sterilised so they would not produce deaf children, horrid man!

I liked that particular set of answers because it broke out of the “longest answer is usually the correct answer” routine that is the norm in so many multiply choice tests.

i read loads of books with him included

He didn't invent the telephone, he patented it.

he's the telephone inventor

animie lover
he did not invent the telephone he was a teacher who taught people with problems like being blind or deaf