What are harvestmen?
Correct answer: Arachnids

The daddy long legs is member of this species: not a true spider as most believe.

Player #135873045
spiders are our friends

The Daddy Long Legs family of arachnids includes 6,000 species. Technically not spiders, Daddy Long Legs have only two eyes, where spiders have multiple complex eyes. They have no silk glands and do not produce webs. Their mouth parts are different from spiders, enabling them to eat solid foods, and they have no venom glands, unlike most spiders. They are an ancient animal. Fossils 165 million years old are virtually indistinguishable from today's Daddy Long Legs.

They are also pretty cool !

Harmless and inoffensive. No need to be frightened of them.

Lee Felix
i know this because i see loads of animals in Australia when i was younger

The TRUE 'Daddy Long Legs' - the Crane fly is often misnamed as this, by people.

BlueEyedAlien, cool. My favorites

The beetles is misspelled

Wannabe Vulcan
I only got this by counting the legs in the picture.

Tanya, the word is arachnophobic

Moray, spiders are scary

Republic of Taiwan

BlueEyedAlien, the body looks similar to daddyll but they do make webs