Who was Leo Tolstoy?
Correct answer: A Russian writer of novels and short stories
I read War and Peace, it took some time but was worth it. I also watched the serialised TV programme which was excellent. And the most amusing: I also watched the Russian film while I was living in India. Amusing? I hear you are shocked. yes, because whoever was loading the reels into the projector must have been drunk or couldn't read Roman numerals. he got them mixed up so that our hero died and then got married!
Rajeev Agrawal
No doubt Leo Sir was one of the greatest novelists of the world. His Composition' War and Peace' is the best creation.
His wife was the real hero. She copied out his novel several times by hand!
Rocking Rosi
The wrong answers: The assassinated communist was Leo Trotzki, the Romanian Leader was Nicolae Ceausescu, the co-creator was Karl Marx oder Friedrich Engels.
CyanJaguar62, wow … I feel a hand cramp coming
watch the Russian production of War and Peace from 1964. 4 part mini-series, very well done.
So incredible that he got nominated for Nobel prizes!!
His name is Lev Tolstoy (at list that’s how it pronounced in Russian)
Green Machine, and have you read it?