Which piece of men's attire do the British call 'trousers'?
Correct answer: Pants

Lorraine ,
In the UK knickers are only worn by women and girls.
Female pants are referred to as panties in the UK

little b
i love my pants 👖

Lorraine ,
You realise the questions are created by people, right?
Look at the end of the explanation(s) and at the far bottom right, you see their name (either real name or username)

Mars V
Short for pantaloons, I believe.

I’ve only heard older men call their pants trousers! That’s facts! 100!

Glenn the Excel man, not that clever because of films and tv everyone should know this answer

Why is this quiz so american? In uk pants are called knickers !

If you said pants to a British person, they would think you're talking about underwear/pants