Who was "Frasier" the Lion?
Correct answer: A real lion

Kris, so sad what people have done to our beautiful planet 🥺

The amazing things we learn here!!!

Amazing facts about this Strong Mack Daddy lion 🦁

Pennyenn, me too !
Great question
maybe some politicians should be fed to the lions

I'm getting this question as I am watching my favorite of all time TV show..Frasier! Spooky

Player #60803
Just another example of animals not only surviving, but excelling, no matter what humans do! Humans are killing our planet, slowly but surely…

AutumnalCrust12, hope you’re referring to the Lion Frazier and not tv show Frasier. Lord knows he doesn’t need more idolizing to fluff his ego. I love the show and how much thought went into every segment of each show. I love lion Frazier too, love all animals.

Player #28214856
I be learning about interesting things. I’ve also learned that Humans can be very Cruel and want MONEY over whatever.

Pennyenn, I am also watching Frasier, the Russian clock episode. Crazy.

Megi!, although if you are British. he was called Clarence. and champion the wonder Horse, is Thunder.!

Fish, Not sure that would either fatten or nourish the lions; as most politicians lack substance... 🤣

Player #130998363
He went to be with Jesus with a smile on his face

now that's a stud

The resilience of God's creatures; never give up! Humankind could learn from these creatures - live rather than committing suicide-it gets better.

Giggle pig
Player #60803, don’t worry God‘s in control.

Fish, do you want lions to be poisoned!?