What is the speech where Jesus makes his whole message known, according to the Gospel of Saint Matthew?
Correct answer: Sermon on the Mount

We trust and love Jesus...

Player #10178853
we try to love by his comandments

Mark V
I hope everyone knows that Jesus wasn't blond with blue eyes, he was born in Asia, not too many blond guys in that region. They did a scientific study of what he might of actually looked like...you'd be surprised...but it's still Jesus.

we need more questions about the Bible. It is the greatest book EVER written!!!

Mark V, no disagreement whatsoever, however, that is not the point, it's His teaching, he was not white or black, but actually a semitic Jew.

Glenn, he is the way

Mars V
The sermon on the mount is most likely a work of fiction beautifully summarizing the entire message of Jesus establishing Him as the new Moses bringing the law from the mountain. The writer was truly gifted and inspired. It’s a very powerful passage that could change the world if we read it and live it.

The Lord is our light in this dark world God Bless

AutumnalCrust12, Yes we do!!