Which of these French women was charged with the crime of wearing men's clothing?

Correct answer: Joan of Arc

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What people think about it: 18 Comments
Player #22506154
Player #22506154
IMHO, the great tragedy here was Charles VII of France not paying the ransom to get Joan back from allies of the English, who in turn bought her and burned her at the stake.
Her real name in French is Jeanne D'Arc. D'Arc is her last name and does not mean she is from Arc. She was from the town of Domremy. She is not Joan Of Arc.
A hero but w/ a tragic End
Heecm, Have you ever wondered if God is a psychopath? He certainly does kill without remorse. He shows no empathy when children are crying from hunger and pain, and he is indifferent to the prayers of little girls whose only wish is that Daddy would stop coming to her room at night, nor does he rescue the countless women and girls who are raped and strangled to death for no reason. He wants all the glory and all the attention while never, ever showing us what he's got. Sounds psychopathic.
JellyBaker, thank you for the information.
Oh how I wish I could show my love of God just as much as these: either by killing other people in war, or by burning them alive... all in his holy name.
JellyBaker, Tnx for the info,
Alpo, I know you mean well, but please don't preach to me.
Lionessa, Just know that it wasn't meant to be this way, because Satan interfered and challenged God's sovereignty. Yahweh set aside 7,000 years (to heavenly creatures a 1000 yrs is like 24 hrs) anyway that time was set aside to see if the devil can turn all of humanity against God. We are at the end of those days. And all the men, women and children that have suffered will get a chance to live on a paradise Earth. Have faith Lionessa He has a plan.
Player #138752561
Player #138752561
Player #143418289, funny how much women were tortured, murdered, imprisoned all because they attempted to change something in their worlds. Not much surprise women put men down these days. We're a much more peaceful side of humanity, but trifle with our rights nowadays, and look out!
Player #143418289
Player #143418289
Player #22506154, the first trans
Cuddles (really?), Please read for context. I did not say that God DOES these things. I said that He, with all the power of the universe, stands silent and does nothing while these things continue, world without end. I am not precisely an atheist, but I see no evidence of a "loving" God, or any God at all. He demands a lot of us while he delivers precious little.
Lionessa, I agree. if we were made in the image of God then he must be an awful greedy murderering philandering...if there really was a god why does he allow children to get cancer or kidnapped & solded into sex slavery as early as years old in one case. the Catholic Church saw how much they could profit off of everything that man wrote in the Bible!! The Bible is not written by God it was written by MAN!!!
Giggle Pig
Giggle Pig
Marcy, I went to the burn site in Roen. I love Joan of Arc!
Lionessa, that's not true. God does not do those things - man does!! Don't blame God for those things that man does!
Joan of Arc is such an inspiring figure, although the crime she paid painstakingly for was so absurd
I didn't know that.
Heecm, bravo! Agree.