Which organ helps in urine formation?
Correct answer: Kidney

I did not know the kidneys had anything to do with blood pressure and bone marrow.

Player #120374466
A marvalous gift from God. Take good care of them with 8 to10 glasses of filtered water. Plenty fresh fruits and vegetables.

Player #120374466, when they're failing, you are supposed to limit your intact to around 4 glasses a day. This is what's happening for my adult son and he hates being restricted.

Kris, sorry to hear that, live well, love much, laugh often, PEACE

It also controls your own thermostat, failing kidneys can often make you feel the cold acutely.

wesley, yes high bp damages ur kidney that's why people with hypertension have to worry about their heart and kidneys

Having stage 4 renal disease really helps with these questions. See, always a silver lining.

A note of interest: Instructions to drink 8 glasses of water a day did not come from the American Medical Association. This well-known advice (that some people actually live by) was issued to Americans by the bottled water industry.

Kidney stones are one of the most painful afflictions. I should know as I have had several. Crippling and unbelievable pain !

my kidneys are overactive

Artie, are you on a commission for the makers of Gatorade.

wesley, nor did I.

Player #120374466, Yes, God has made us marvelous, I am glad for the advise of drinking H2O fruits and veggies..I am on the road to recovery because of these admonishments, Lord bless you and yours.

Claren Reando
Artie, orange gatorade help me

What a wonderful organ. I drink two quarts of Gatorade a day to keep them healthy. The necessary amount of fluid and the right mixture and concentrations of salts etc...

Player #138752561
wesley, so that means that the three kidneys I have produce about 4 1/2 litres per day. no wonder I can't pass a toilet without using it. plus one creates stones. such fun!

Kidney is the most important part in human body...

it's was.