What does hemophilia affect?
Correct answer: Blood
Patricia, because most people associate the disease with them.
I am not a number.
Patricia, because haemophilia is associated with the European royals starting with Victoria and Albert. Two of their daughters passed it on in Europe and one of their sons suffered from it. In fact, is sometimes called "the royal disease".
why earth are comments about Rasputin and the Russian royal family AND Queen Victoria in here?
Player #53553731, If your prof told you that she wasn’t much of a historian!
Women are usually the carriers and the carrier in this case was Queen Victoria as the tsar, Nicholas - Rasputin was,as another poster said, a con man. He was also called the mad monk. The Tzarina, Alexandra was obsessed with him because he claimed to be able to cure the Tzaravich, the Tzar’s only son. He couldn’t of course.
The whole family was murdered by the Bolsheviks. They tried to escape to England where the Tzars cousin was the King (George V) but they refused them entry and so were partly to blame for their murder - in my opinion.
My brother suffers with this and has to inject him self with factor 8 so many times a week. But he choose to be but on a medical trial to try and cure it which has been a success but he goes for checkups every few months as they don’t know if it’s a permanent cure or just a short cure but this all has side effects as my brother now can’t have kids.
my brother has hemophilia 😔
Hemophilia can , also affect the genotypes and phenotypes of colour blindness of a human? right?
Collins, you are wrong
Thank you